

・The efficacy and safety of managing ectopic pregnancies with transvaginal ultrasound-guided local injections of absolute ethanol. JARG /貝嶋弘恒
・Highly efficient vitrification for cryopreservation of human oocytes and embryos: The CryoTop method. Theriogenology /桑山正成
・Improving cryopreservation systems. Theriogenology. /桑山正成
・Production of the first offspring from growing oocytes of fresh andcryopreserved preantral follicles of adult mice. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. / 香川則子


The International 0varian Conference (Yokohama)
・Normal live birth from cryopreserved ovarian tissues of adult mice by vitrification. (the Best Poster Awards受賞) /香川則子

13th International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy(Kyoto)
Effectiveness of prenatal chromosomal analysis for cases with increased nuchal translucency thickness/竹原祐志

European Society of Human Reproduction Embryology (Praha)
・Intra-Fallopian Tube Embryo Recurrence: F.E.R Evidences in Mouse Model and Clinical Application/加藤修
・Cryopreserving timing of supernumerary embryos in eSET /寺元章吉
・Highly efficient vitrification method for clinical cryopreservation of human oocytes/桑山正成
・Production of offspring from cryopreserved preantral follicles of adult mice./香川則子

American Society Reproductive Medicine (New Orleans)
・A comparison between recombinant FSH and urinary hMG with regard to their efficacy in the clomiphene cycle / 寺元 章吉
・The effectiveness of clomiphene citrate in suppressing the LH surge in the minimal stimulation IVF protocol/河内谷敏
・Results of natural cycle IVF and SET in 1301 patients/瀬川智也
・A simple and efficient method of blastomere fixation for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of aneuploidy with Interphase FISH/青山直樹
・Vitrification may be a promising approach for cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue for auto-and xenotransplantation. / 香川則子
・The International Symposium on Cancer & Reproduction (Valencia)
・Ovarian Tissue Vitrification. / 香川則子


・当院における多胎妊娠およびSingle embryo transfer(SET)に関する臨床検討/加藤恵一


・Clomiphene Citrateを用いたMinimal stimulation IVF protocolにおけるLH抑制効果の検討/河内谷敏

・卵巣組織のガラス化保存に関する研究 / 香川則子
